CPS Licensing System (Open Source) by WHMSeller.net - cPanel, Plesk, Cloudlinux and 22+

CPS Licensing System (Open Source) by WHMSeller.net - cPanel, Plesk, Cloudlinux and 22+ v20.1

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any try this and working or not?
First of all, thank you for posting, but unfortunately some files are missing. At the same time, there is no setup method. I hope to update the files with the latest version.
thanks for this resource. If I make it to work, I will share to you back
Thanks for giving this for free, i was also almost getting scammed by whmseller.net, now I have purchased the license from LicenseDash and I am now there reseller. Earning nothing is better to become a reseller of a stable company. I have tried this and this is syslic from the syslic.org and he has copied the content on his website from the gblicense.net. The person behind the CPS was 100% scammer.
This is SysLic, the whmseller stole this from SysLic.org and selling it on his website. Same of GBlicense, he also stole that from GBlicense.net. Anyways thanks John for providing this CPS source code for free.